Herrick Primary School
Herrick Primary School
Herrick Primary School

Key Stage One and Two Weekly Online Homework

Key Stage One and Two Weekly Online Homework

DB Primary

1) Google "Herrick db Primary" or click here
2) Enter login details
3) Click on Things to Do icons
4) A response can be typed.
Herrick Primary School Herrick Primary School Herrick Primary School
KS1 The Numeracy and Literacy Tasks are set every Thursday. Your child has an entire week to complete and submit work by uploading by the following week on Thursday.

Y3/4’s homework is set on a Thursday and due on Tuesday.

Y5/6’s homework is set on a Wednesday and due on Monday.

Worksheets are not required to be printed. Children can write their answers on a piece of paper and upload or type using the MS Word feature on DB primary.


Google myON or click here
Click on myON Login
Enter Login Details
Herrick Primary School Herrick Primary School
Your child can access myON books on a laptop, ipad, mobile phone and kindle. We recommend at least 20 minutes reading daily.

Times Tables Rockstars Years 2-6

Herrick Primary School

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so.

1) Click on Login/Select School Pupils
2) Type "Herrick"
3) Enter login details
Herrick Primary School Herrick Primary School Herrick Primary School

We recommend at least x 3 weekly sessions of 20 minutes

Herrick Primary School
Lockerbie Avenue
Telephone: 0116 2665656
Email: office@herrick.leicester.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr U Patel
Herrick Primary School Herrick Primary School
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